The economic crisis brought about by the Covid 19 has meant a setback for many businesses of different sizes that have been forced to close temporarily, with the consequent loss of money and jobs that this entails.
Once the initial phase of health alerts has been overcome
is time to recover and return to the new normality, a normality in which we must incorporate new habits to protect our health and our economy.

One of those habits is
taking the temperature before entering any building, factory, bar or shop. With the aim of enabling companies to recover their commercial activity and to bring their workers back to the offices, Libelium has installed fever-kits in different companies. At Libelium we have also had to reinvent ourselves and, thanks to the flexibility of our technology, we have reconfigured some of our most reliable sensors to provide companies with tools to help them come back stronger.
Since it was not called a core business, fashion, accessories, sports or jewelry stores could not stay open during the pandemic. Now that de-escalation is beginning, the retail sector is under pressure to open as soon as possible to avoid further losses.
One of these stores is
Bee Lion, a boutique in the centre of Zaragoza (Spain) that is
eager to open and serve its customers. They have taken the necessary hygiene and prevention measures, like hand disinfectant and distribution of masks and gloves at the entrance of the establishment. To further ensure the health of workers, suppliers and clients, a Libelium fever kit has been installed to
take the temperature at the door and ensures that no one with a few tenths of a fever enters the store.
The IoT Solution in this project provided by Libelium for the Retail Sector
The kit is composed of
a Plug&Sense! with a temperature sensor and an LED indicator that changes color depending on the temperature taken (green if it is correct, and red if it is above 37.5 ºC) with an accuracy of +/- 0.2ºC. In addition to the light sensor, the device emits a short beep if the person does not have a fever, and several beeps if the result is positive. The sensor is placed on an adjustable tripod so that it is at the person’s height.

In the case of the
Bee Lion tent only the light sensor and the sound alert were required. in this case,
installation is very quick as it is only necessary to connect the sensors to the appropriate socket and place the temperature sensor in the tripod clamp.

However, the kit
can be programmed with different functionalities such as automatic door opening, email or sms notifications or personnel reports. For this purpose, Plug&Sense! can communicate with the software platform via
4G, NB-IoT, LoRaWAN or Sigfox.
In addition to connectivity, another of the main advantages of this kit is the
respect for privacy, since it does not scan the whole body but only requires the person to place his or her forehead near the temperature sensor so that the infrared can pick it up.
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