Smart Industry

The transition towards a cleaner and more environmentally friendly energy generation model has become unstoppable. Globally, more renewable energy capacity has been installed for four

The transition towards a cleaner and more environmentally friendly energy generation model has become unstoppable. Globally, more renewable energy capacity has been installed for four
Feature Forest is a Polish start-up, specialized in developing software solutions for the IoT, taking advantage of data science methods. The company has successfully accomplished the so-called Space3ac Acceleration Program, a project which seeks the minimization of port activity impact as well as solving the problems of transportation industry players in the surrounding areas of the Gdansk Port.
The fPerception system allows the immediate detection of hazardous chemical compounds polluting the air in real time. This project aims to localize the sources of air pollutants in the area of the port, such as the berthing of vessels, the heat and power plants, the cargo handling activities, the surrounding industry or the raising road and railway transport. Libelium technology is located nearby potential sources of pollution where information about gas concentration is correlated with wind direction and speed in order to predict and react in case of an emergency. Read more.
Libelium has developed an Internet of Things project with a gas station holding from Zaragoza (Spain), called Zoilo Ríos, to monitor the traffic of vehicles in one of the most important service areas of the city. The aim of the project is to measure the incoming and outgoing traffic of the establishment by the detection of the Bluetooth devices of the cars. Read more.
Wireless sensor networks have opened a wide range in terms of possibilities for farmers and agricultural management organizations. Getting real-time information from different water, soil or air parameters of any field allows taking smart and strategic decisions to save resources and optimize yields.Agnov8 trusted in Libelium technology to develop an IoT project to control crops conditions and improve yields. Agnov8 has trusted in Libelium technology for a a large environmental sustainability project of Cameron’s Nursery wholesale plant grower located in Arcadia, New South Wales, Australia. Read more