Libelium launches Libelium Cloud, a new software platform that enables multi-vendor IoT management to empower users to deploy and manage an end-to-end digitalisation solution out of the box. Having specialised in sensor technology for a range of different industries and applications, Libelium Cloud completes the company’s move to a complete IoT solutions provider, enabling the three pillars of any IoT project: hardware, software and connectivity.

With the number of connected devices and sensors growing exponentially, the ability for users to gain insight into multiple projects from a single remote cloud platform unlocks a holistic overview across IoT projects from beginning to end.

Fully IoT project management with Libelium Cloud

Libelium Cloud enables users to fully manage all devices, connectivity and data across all IoT projects on a single remote platform, generating both significant operational and cost advantages. Users can view real-time and historical data from their connected devices, as well as configure sensors remotely.

“The world is becoming more connected every single day, but that has led to solution users struggling to manage the huge increase in available data,” said Alicia Asin, CEO and Founder of Libelium. “For the world to reach the next stage of IoT, where we bring solutions together to create a connected ecosystem, we need to empower users to manage, view and program their assets from a single location. We are proud to launch Libelium Cloud to bring our solutions together into a complete IoT package which is easy to deploy, easy to manage, and, ultimately, makes life easier for solution users.”

Libelium Cloud is a subscription service. It will also come with the option of a premium technical support service to guide users through the setting-up and consumption of the data being fed into the platform. The platform allows users to easily connect all their sensor hardware devices –Plug & Sense!, Smart Parking and more to come– through WiFi, 4G, LoRaWAN and Sigfox.

Libelium Cloud can also be connected to existing cloud platforms such as AWS or Azure to give users flexibility in the data they wish to collate. Any collected data can also be sent to third-party devices through MQTT and HTTPS.

What does Libelium Cloud bring to your IoT project?

The new Libelium Cloud offers full compatibility with Libelium Plug & Sense! and Smart Parking devices. Therefore, it is a stable platform that guarantees the flow of data with the Libelium sensor platform. In addition, it includes the three services that until now had been provided in the former

In addition, it includes the three services that until now had been provided in the former Libelium cloud services:

How can you use Libelium Cloud? Three use cases

Case A: Develop an IoT project with Libelium’s IoT Cloud Service

If you already have Libelium devices and are thinking of developing your cloud solution for your IoT project:

-> Use Libelium Cloud: you will save development costs and reduce the time-to-market to start your project.

Case B: Switch to Libelium Cloud

If you already have Libelium devices and they are sending the data to another cloud platform:

-> Switch to Libelium Cloud and…

  1. You will reduce the maintenance costs of your project by having everything unified in a single platform to visualize and analyze the data.
  2. In addition, the Libelium Cloud is tested by our hardware developers, so compatibility with our devices is guaranteed.
  3. Your IoT project will always be up-to-date since our cloud platform incorporates continuous improvements to access and analyze data.

Case C: Get added value using Cloud based IoT in your software application

Your Libelium devices are already connected to your own specialized data analysis software application

-> You can continue using your application and enjoy greater value-added services through Libelium Cloud.

  1. Check the data flow from the devices to your application
  2. Improve device management, permanently monitored and controlled through Libelium Cloud
  3. Open your tickets with our technical maintenance service, always knowing how many hours you have left to consume.


If you need more information about Libelium Cloud, contact through the following form:

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Libelium Cloud Kits

Libelium Cloud is a living platform in continuous improvement. We will keep you informed of the news.

Stay tuned!