Mobile monitoring system: Vehicles with sensors to control air quality in Glasgow

Public authorities in cities have deployed static stations to monitor air quality data for a set of pollutant with specific, and high cost, sensing technologies. These stations provide highly accurate data but their cost limits the quantity of deployments, leaving large gaps in coverage. CENSIS, the innovation center of excellence for Sensor and Imaging Systems (SIS) technologies, has developed a low-cost system with Libelium Waspmote Sensor Platform in Glasgow (UK) that can be deployed flexibly and rapidly in mobile configurations to complement static stations providing more capilarity to Smart Cities projects. Read more
Controlling shipping traffic in the Netherlands canals with wireless sensors

Vicrea is a dutch company specialized in Smart Integrated Information and Geographic Systems and Smart City solutions. The company has developed a wireless sensor network with Libelium technology to manage canals traffic in the Netherlands by controlling the flow of boats.
Saving water with Smart Irrigation System in Barcelona

Starlab, together with other companies, has deployed a remote control irrigation system for Barcelona that will help to reinforce its Smart City status. Starlab’s contribution to the service is by soil moisture monitoring with in situ probes that use Libelium technology . The deployment is based on sensors technology and consists in allowing remote control of the irrigation system to facilitate the management of the water network. Read more.
Smart marina: monitoring mooring berths by controlling sea level and weather conditions in a touristic port in Greece

One of the major problems for captains of vessels, especially during summer, is the absence of marina’s reservation mechanisms. The start-up SaMMY, rises up from this need detected in Greek ports and wants to modernize the operation of marinas with the installation of a sensor network with Libelium technology to monitor mooring berths and conditions of the sea and the environment. Read more.
Traffic and Road Conditions Monitoring in Malaga

Project developed in Málaga by a research group from Málaga University. The main aim is to save time in matter of traffic management in Smart Cities by means of a wireless sensor network based on Libelium Waspmote Sensor Platform. This project provides real-time data that can be shown in the SCADA interface Read more.
Smart City project in Castellón: a platform to control water usage and waste management

Castellón Smart City project integrates 25 different kinds of sensors, “Watchmeter” IoTsens –Data Logger, Limnimeter, Waste level sensor, Meteorological station, soil moisture sensor or luminosity sensor, to measure and control data in order to obtain a global perspective.
Urban Resilience in the Smart City: River Flood and Forest Fire Early Detection

Cities around the world are now focused on urban resilience, or the ability to withstand and recover from physical, social, and economic challenges that result from natural disasters, the forces of climate change, congestion, or other man-made disturbances. With the implementation of HAZUR and Libelium sensors, the territory of La Garrotxa can readily manage critical facets of its infrastructure and public services.
Detecting Radiation Levels in Fukushima: an example of crowdsourcing
The creation of the Radiation Sensor Board was motivated by the nuclear disaster in Fukushima after the unfortunate earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in March 2011. We wanted to help authorities to measure the levels of radiation of the affected zones without compromising the life of the security and rescue teams. For this reason we designed in just 3 weeks a Geiger Counter sensor board for Waspmote, which could read the radiation levels automatically and send the information in real time using wireless technologies like ZigBee and 3G/GPRS to the control point without human intervention.
Smart City project in Santander to monitor Environmental Parameters

SMART SANTANDER project, which has been developed by several companies and institutions including Telefonica I+D and University of Cantabria, aims at designing, deploying and validating in Santander and its environment a platform composed of sensors, actuators, cameras and screens to offer useful information to citizens. 750 Waspmotes have been deployed to monitor different parameters such as noise, temperature, luminosity and CO.
Smart Parking and environmental monitoring in one of the world’s largest WSN
SmartSantander is an ambitious project leaded by Telefonica that proposes a unique in the world city-scale experimental research facility sufficiently large, open, flexible and horizontal to stimulate the development of new applications by researchers, companies and citizens. At the same time, the network must provide services to Santander inhabitants such as helping them to find free parking spots and monitoring pollution levels. In this case, Waspmote modularity and flexibility has allowed to incorporate a second communication radio enabling experimentation while ensuring high availability services.