Smart Parking IoT platform to increase the efficiency of electric car recharging station

To speed up and streamline smart services, an Italian technological company focused on intelligent solutions, Elmec Informatica, has fully automated its headquarters in Burnello (Varese, Italy) with the IoT, in association with its partner, Everynet. A smart parking management system has been included among other smart building applications.
Libelium helps to reduce noise pollution in the city of Cuenca (Ecuador)

In the city of Cuenca have decided to reduce the acoustic pollution to offer a better to live city to their citizens.
Libelium’s IoT technology contributes to heritage preservation monitoring of two historic masterpieces

Libelium and the Huesca Museum have developed a research project combining art and technology, using the Internet of Things for historical-artistic heritage preservation. Both entities have reached a collaboration agreement led by the museum’s conservation area to measure the preservation conditions of two important tapestry masterpieces.
Preventing asthma attacks in children with a sensor network that monitors air quality conditions in play areas

Asthma is one of the most frequent causes of absenteeism in schools. This disease, that affects the respiratory tract, can alter sleep, play and other activities necessary for proper child growth.
3D air quality modeling with sensor drones in Greece

Air pollution in Greece has been a serious environmental problem in the last decades. Rapid and disorganized urbanization of cities, lack of infrastructure and an increasing motor vehicle fleet in urban regions were the main causes of air quality deterioration in the country.
Antonios Koutroumpas, student of the Technical University of Crete, developed his Bachelor’s Thesis in Production Systems with the title: “Use of UAV (Unnamed Aerial Vehicles) for 3D visualization of air pollutants in urban areas,” in which a small drone equipped with Libelium’s wireless sensor platform Waspmote was introduced for in-situ data acquisition. Read more.
Meshlium Scanner to monitor passengers’ activity at Manchester Airport

In 2017, the Manchester Airport was the third busiest airport in the United Kingdom with more than 27 million passengers. Thanks to a steady annual growth between 5 and 10% in the last years, the airport is currently undergoing an expansion program to extend its capacity in more than 50 million passengers annually.
Innotech Insights Ltd. chose Libelium’s Meshlium Scanner to detect smartphones and cellular devices, measuring people’s movements inside the airport. Six devices were installed across the terminals in order to understand flows, detect and prevent eventual bottlenecks and especially ensure people’s security. Read more.
Balearic Islands to become a smart tourist destination by expanding IoT sensor networks

The environmental report of ESPO (The European Sea Ports Organisation) for 2018 shows that air quality remains the main priority of European ports. Aware of this, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands has been working hard since 2016 to also know the level of air quality, capacity, alignment with the Environmental Policy of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands.
Early flood detection and warning system in Argentina developed with Libelium sensors technology

Libelium and the Argentinian company Rack2 have developed a permanent flood monitoring system based on IoT technology in La Emilia, a small village in the North of Buenos Aires. Its location next to a river has been subject to several flood alerts throughout its history. With the last flood in 2017, a 75% of the population were forced to evacuate, one person died and more than 3,000 people were moved to several evacuation centers.
The final objective of the authorities was to have a permanent water monitoring system, not only for risk alerts but also to produce a satisfactory water flow, to control and record its behavior. Rack2, Libelium’s distributor in Argentina, has implemented an early flood detection and warning system using Libelium technology, a reliable and stable structure in terms of communications and accuracy.
Reducing Logistics’ environmental impact by air quality monitoring in the Baltic Sea Port of Gdansk, Poland

Feature Forest is a Polish start-up, specialized in developing software solutions for the IoT, taking advantage of data science methods. The company has successfully accomplished the so-called Space3ac Acceleration Program, a project which seeks the minimization of port activity impact as well as solving the problems of transportation industry players in the surrounding areas of the Gdansk Port.
The fPerception system allows the immediate detection of hazardous chemical compounds polluting the air in real time. This project aims to localize the sources of air pollutants in the area of the port, such as the berthing of vessels, the heat and power plants, the cargo handling activities, the surrounding industry or the raising road and railway transport. Libelium technology is located nearby potential sources of pollution where information about gas concentration is correlated with wind direction and speed in order to predict and react in case of an emergency. Read more.
Early warning system to prevent floods and allow disaster management in Colombian rivers

On May 18th 2015, the Colombian village of Salgar was devastated by a landslide. The La Liboriana river flood caused 83 deaths and left devastation and destruction on the communities all over the area. After this event, the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management – Unidad Nacional para la Gestión de Riesgos de Desastres (UNGRD) in Spanish – designed a plan to monitor and compile information on the La Liboriana, La Clara and Barroso rivers to prevent tragedies like the Salgar landslide. Federmán Comunicaciones, a Colombian company with more than ten years of experience in telecommunications, was responsible for the installation of an early warning system in disaster management in the region based on Libelium technology. Read more.