Libelium Smart Spot

Smart Spot for Smart Cities empowers cities to proactively address air quality challenges, optimize urban planning, and improve citizens’ overall quality of life.

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Air Quality & Crowd Monitoring

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Data Accuracy

The IoT device for Smart Cities

Our Smart Spot models offer a flexible and scalable solution for Smart Cities for collecting advanced data about:

  • Air quality (high accuracy sensors)
  • Noise
  • Temperature & humidity
  • Particle matter: PM10, PM2.5, PM1)
  • Weather stations (rain, wind…)
  • Sun radiation
  • Crowd monitoring
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The IoT Solution for Air and Crowd

Libelium Smart Spot and its two models offers a powerful combination for Smart Cities to reduce congestion, keep crowds safe and improve public health while create Sa smarter and more livable cities.

Also, the inclusion of all the sensors and capacities in a single device provides savings in the installation, maintenance and management as well as in communications.

Smart IoT Solutions designed for cities and their citizens

Air Pollution

Air pollution is a major problem in cities around the world. It can cause a variety of health problems, including respiratory infections, heart disease, and cancer. IoT technology can help to solve the problem of air pollution in a number of ways:

Crowd monitoring

Crowd monitoring is another important area where IoT technology can be used to solve problems. Large crowds can pose a safety hazard, and it can be difficult for authorities to track and manage them. IoT technology can help to solve this problem in a number of ways:

cartagena smart spot libelium

We design innovative cities

Smart Spot is designed to be adapted to your needs for measuring nocive and greenhouse gases, crowd, particle matter, noise and meteorological metrics.

Thanks to the deployment of IoT devices such as Smart Spot, we can create a multi-directional communication channel among citizens, visitors and cities, establishing co-creation, culture sharing and environmental control open tools.

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Useful for  

Taking care of your environment.

Smart Spot shows information about air quality (CO2, NO2, H2S, NO, O3, SO2 PM1, PM2.5 and PM10) and noise pollution (40 to 115 dB) in real time in strategic points, enabling the execution and the actions planning to protect the environment.


An end-to-end solution

IoT platforms also offer several specific features that can benefit businesses.
Smart Spot + Libelium Cloud offers features such as:

Software Services


» Ease of deployment, scalability and interoperability with existing systems and services.

» The platform deployment is centralized as a service in the Libelium Cloud using Docker containers and Ansible. This approach allows for agile updates and the addition of extra functionality to the platform.


» Greater control and security over data and infrastructure and the ability to customise and adapt to the organisation’s specific needs.

» On demand deployment in the cloud using Docker containers and Ansible on a specific private server dedicated to the client.


» Autonomy and control over the infrastructure. Ability to adapt it to specific security and compliance requirements.

» On demand deployment in the client’s data center (CPD) using Docker containers and Ansible. Adapted to the resources based on the required solution.


» To present data in an intuitive and personalised way, enabling more efficient analysis and more informed decision-making.

» Libelium provides visualizers depending on the application deployed (Crowd monitoring, Air Quality pollution, Noise Level monitoring, etc.).

Libelium Smart Spot Models

Smart Spot Air

Smart Spot Air

Smart Spot Air allows the monitoring of different environmental factors, such as air quality (gases and suspended particles), temperature, humidity, pressure, noise, and weather stations.

Ideal for Low Emissions Zones

  • Operating system: Watchdogs anti-blocking system, Industrial operating system in real-time (FreeRTOS), Valid for industrial environments
  • CPU: Dual Core a 240 MHz. 16MB RAM / 32MB Flash
  • Antennas: Multi-antenna IP68 anti-vandalism (GPS/M2M/WiFi)
  • 4G Antenna pack gain: 4.87 dBi
  • WiFi Antenna peak gain: 4.05 dBi
  • Antenna impedance: 50 ohm nominal
  • Antenna operating frequencies: 4G Main: 824-960/1710-2690 MHz// 4G DiV: 1710-2690 MHz// WiFi: 2400-2500 MHz// GNSS: 1561/1575.42 MHz
  • Device health monitoring: Temperature and humidity
  • Vandalism detection: Accelerometer & Gyroscope
  • Different communication options: WiFi, 4G, GSM-GPRS, LoRaWAN and NB-IoT
  • Application protocols for data transmission: MQTT, Sentilo and LoRaWAN CayenneLPP
  • Device management via LwM2M
  • FIWARE-Ready
Power Supply
  • Energy consumption: 180-300 mA Active
  • Input: 15 VDC
  • Battery (optional): 10.05 Ah
  • Protection: IP65
  • Size: 300 x 220 x 55 mm
  • Material: Aluminium
  • Anchorage system: Anti-vandalism security
  • Weight: 2.3kg
Core sensors: Harmful & greenhouse gases
  • NO2
  • SO2
  • O3
  • CO
  • H2S
  • NO
  • NH3
Optional & Additional Sensors
  1. Core Sensors:
    • CO2
    • VOC
    • Particle Matter (PM)
    • Sound Level Meter
  2. Additional Sensors:
    • Temperature and Humidity
    • Davis Pro 2 sensor
    • Davis Pro 2 Plus sensor
    • Wind anemometer & direction sensor

Smart Spot Crowd Monitoring

Smart Spot Crowd Monitoring allows the detection of smart devices which works with WiFi or Bluetooth interfaces (phones, tablets, hands-free, and wearables). Gain business intelligence by monitoring devices and enhancing user experience in different areas.

  • Number of devices passing daily in a street
  • The specific information collected from devices (MAC, SSID, etc.)
  • Customers are able to develop their own solution based on raw data provided by the device (average time spent by people in the street, walking routes of people in shopping malls, and average time in each area, etc.)

Ideal for Urban Health & Tourism

  • Different communication options: WiFi, 4G, GSM-GPRS, and NB-IoT.
  • Application protocols for data transmission: MQTT and Sentilo.
  • Device management via LwM2M. FIWARE-Ready
Additional Sensors
  • Temperature and Humidity sensor
  • Davis Pro 2 sensor
  • Davis Pro 2 Plus sensor
  • Wind anemometer & direction sensor
Count Service

The main goal of this service is to detect, temporarily accumulate, and report the number of devices detected in the last few minutes to track the flow of devices in the location where the device is installed.

The accumulation is done in different configurable time intervals, which by default are 1 min, 5 min and 10 min.

Tracking mode, only one Counting interval is used, corresponding to the “Lower Counter Interval” and the data report is carried out when the interval expires.

Tracking Service

The main goal of this service is to add to Count Service the ability to detect, process and report information extracted from detected devices, always in an obfuscated way for data protection.

It makes a report for each device detected, which contains the MAC identifier, signature and SSID target (if added).

Smart spot crowd

Fully certified

More than 18 years of experience behind us.

GDPR Certification EU
CE Certification

We are here to help you with your project

For more information about Libelium and how it can benefit your city, contact us.