Las personas detrás de Libelium Zaragoza y Libelium Murcia van más allá de los retos

A week ago, a major change in the company became a reality. Libelium went on to acquire HOPU, the leader and benchmark company in Smart Cities.

But, how was the integration of both teams? What activities were carried out? How was the acquisition process? And, most importantly, what now?

Two companies with a common mission, vision and values

Over the last few years, both teams have pursued their business objectives under the same common thread.

Committed and passionate people who address the world’s global challenges through data-driven, reliable, accurate, useful and secure decision making.

This clear coincidence of values between the two companies has facilitated the approach and the culmination of the integration process of both teams.

Teambuilding activities to build the future Libelium team

Throughout the day, Libelium Zaragoza and Libelium Murcia teams had the opportunity to get to know each other, share ideas and create a team through a series of teambuilding activities that the Human Resources department had previously organized.

With the aim of getting to know the new members of the team in more depth and for them to get to know the essence of Libelium, its values, the internal ways of working and who is behind each process, the day was structured in several work blocks by departments.

First block: What now?

Alicia Asín and Antonio Jara presented to the new company the process of acquisition of Hopu by Libelium and the change of structure involved in its incorporation.

Alicia Asín Presentation Teaming Zaragoza - Murcia

They also emphasized the ultimate goal for which we develop IoT technology: “The Internet of Things is the most powerful tool to ensure the sustainability of the planet and the competitiveness of companies”.

Both concluded what the main objective pursued with this strategic alliance is: to add the best technological and financial resources, but above all, the best people behind the technology of two strong companies to face more ambitious projects and continue growing in an increasingly competitive market.

Second block: Who are you?

Each department, together with its new members, had the opportunity to introduce themselves to the team to explain their role and tasks in the company.

This activity not only sought to find out who is in charge of what, but also to get to know more in depth the colleague with whom we will be working side by side.

Getting to know the team Libelium Zaragoza Murcia

Third block: We recorded the essence of this union

Because “we all agree that we only have one planet. Society progress also produces harmful effects on the environment and technology must help us to find effective and sustainable solutions.

We need to accelerate and look for solutions.
We need to be more flexible.
We need to be faster.
We need to be more resilient.
We need to be open to constant change.
We are human beings and we deserve wellness.

At Libelium we know that technology is a means to achieve a more competitive, sustainable and datocratized world. That is why now at Libelium we are more. Libelium buys Hopu in order to be faster and more flexible in the constant search for IoT solutions.

Growth, boost, alliance, agility, adaptation, profitability, sustainability: we have taken a big leap forward! Because we are convinced that only by being more flexible and faster, we will be able to go beyond the challenges of our customers and society in general. Achieving more profitable and sustainable companies and cities. The future is now and at Libelium we are ready for the challenge.

Join us!”

Fourth block: banquet and play!

During the meal, a series of questions were prepared to continue getting to know each other. From learning about colleagues’ hobbies, music styles, former jobs throughout their professional career, to the celebrities they would like to have a coffee with.

… And then came the Olympics by teams!

The work colleagues were divided into teams (a total of 9) in order to pass all the game tests organized by our Human Resources colleagues together.

What were we trying to achieve? Complicity, union, communication, motivation and above all, to have a good time among colleagues.

And how? Through a series of fun ingenious activities that we don’t usually do in our day-to-day work to promote the integration of both teams.

Fifth block: Dinner to close a milestone in the company

Museum dinner Teaming Libelium

After an intense day, we continued to strengthen teamwork with a cocktail-style dinner on the rooftop of one of the most important museums in the Aragonese capital.

We were able to enjoy wonderful panoramic views of the entire city in a relaxed atmosphere. In this way we put the finishing touch to a historic milestone.

A complete team sharing its know-how

1 + 1 = 3

This union means a multiplication in terms of capabilities within our departments. From now on, the whole team is united to strengthen a highly segmented market by generating value from Spain.

We are now more than 80 people together with a common goal: To create a more sustainable world and a more datocratized society thanks to data-driven decision making.

The transaction is part of the growth plan that Libelium initiated following the acquisition of Axon Partners as a shareholder.
