Smart Libelium: Living IoT Lab to monitor parking, water quality, ambient and environmental conditions

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  Libelium believes in a world completely connected to gather data from anything located anywhere to enable citizens and organizations to make decisions based on valuable information. The vision of a Smart World consists on monitoring parameters and physical conditions that impact in different productive sectors like agriculture, industry or cities, and of course in valuable resources like water, environment or eHealth. Zaragoza (Spain)

Zaragoza (Spain)

With the aim to show customers, partners and visitors the wide range of IoT applications, Libelium has deployed a Living Lab in its headquarters in Zaragoza (Spain). The installation has been carried out during 4th quarter of 2016 by Libelium technical departments.

Building connected to the Cloud

One of Libelium technicians installing the Waspmote Plug & Sense! Sensor Platform

One of Libelium technicians installing the Waspmote Plug & Sense! Sensor Platform

Libelium Smart Building gives real-time information to the company about outside air and noise pollution levels and environmental parameters as well as inside ambient conditions, water quality or waste management. The goal has been showing all the verticals applications of the technology in a Living Lab. “This project aims to convert our central offices in a Smart Building to clearly and simply explain how our technology works and the wide range of applications that can be deployed quickly and reliably to the market”, has stated David Gascón, Libelium CTO. Diagram of Smart Libelium installation Diagram of Smart Libelium installation

Diagram of Smart Libelium installation

The installation includes eight Waspmote Plug & Sense! Sensor Platforms connected to the Meshlium IoT Gateway located in the Showroom area inside the building: Waspmote Plug & Sense! Smart Agriculture, Ambient Control, Smart Cities and Smart Environment PRO located around the building Waspmote Plug & Sense! Smart Parking

Waspmote Plug & Sense! Sensor Platforms installed outdoors

    • Indoor deployment:
      • Waspmote Plug & Sense! Smart Water to measure water parameters and guarantee the quality of the water pond of the hall with pH, connectivity, oxidation reduction potential (ORP), DO (dissolved oxygen) and temperature sensors.
      • Waspmote Plug & Sense! Smart Cities located at the production area to control waste management in the main container with ultrasound sensor.
      • Waspmote Plug & Sense! Ambient Control deployed at MySignals warehouse to monitor temperature and humidity. There has been set a temperature range to detect higher and lower temperatures that send an alarm by email to the person in charge to solve the problem.
Waspmote Plug & Sense! Smart Water installed in the water pond

Waspmote Plug & Sense! Smart Water installed in the water pond

Waspmote Plug & Sense! Smart Cities to control waste management Waspmote Plug & Sense! Ambient Control located at MySignals warehouse

Sensor Platforms installed at Libelium warehouse

The information gathered by the Smart Parking Sensor Node is sent through LoRaWAN to a LoRaWAN base station. The other seven Waspmote Plug & Sense! Sensor Platforms communicate with the IoT Gateway through 802.15.4. All the information is visualized in a dashboard developed by Libelium and located at the IoT Showroom. Dashboard developed by Libelium

Dashboard developed by Libelium

Libelium’s IoT Showroom

In 2016 Libelium celebrated its tenth anniversary and one of the main initiatives was creating an IoT showroom in its central offices. This new area is divided in different areas explaining the international strategy of Libelium, the value chain of the company and its commitment to interoperability. “The idea to create the IoT Showroom arose from the need to integrate in a space the three main signs of Libelium’s identity: interoperability, internationalization and the extensive ecosystem”, has explained Alicia Asín, Libelium CEO. Libelium worldwide map with partners and distributors locations

Libelium worldwide map with partners and distributors locations

Libelium has displayed a big map pointing out worldwide distributors, main partners and some of the most popular case studies. At a glance, the visitors are able to discover Libelium presence in more than 120 countries and the different projects that the company has carried out since 2006. In the IoT Showroom, Libelium shows the main verticals sectors in which the company is currently focused on: environment, water, agriculture, cities, parking, logistics, industry 4.0, retail and eHealth. Visitors can also touch and understand the exposition that includes three products lines of the company: Waspmote OEM, Waspmote Plug & Sense! and the Meshlium IoT Gateway. Libelium product lines and main vertical sectors Libelium IoT Ecosystem

Libelium IoT Showroom

Interoperability is the key factor of Libelium technology and the company shows its vision of the IoT value chain and its wide ecosystem of Cloud partners integrated with Meshlium. On this way, there are several screens where the users can see information about some projects in real-time in the dashboards of compatible IoT platforms. For more information about our products contact the Libelium Sales Department.
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Más información:

      • For technical details on Waspmote hardware, sensors and how to program a Smart Cities application: Smart Cities PRO Board Guide
      • For technical details on Waspmote hardware, sensors and how to program a Smart Environment PRO application: Gases PRO v30 Board Guide
      • For technical details on Waspmote hardware, sensors and how to program a Smart Parking application: Plug & Sense! Smart Parking Technical Guide
      • For technical details on Waspmote hardware, sensors and how to program a Smart Agriculture application: Smart Agriculture 3.0 Technical Guide
      • For technical details on Waspmote hardware, sensors and how to program a Smart Water application: Smart Water Technical Guide
      • Aprende más sobre las líneas de producto de Libelium: Waspmote, Waspmote Plug & Sense! Sensor Platform and Meshlium Gateway websites.

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