Smart Agriculture project for Organic Farms in UK

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The lack of freely available public data in matter of agriculture issues motivated Senseye, a software company from UK, to develop a Smart Agriculture project from the ground-up using Waspmote Plug & Sense! Sensor Platform fully equipped with Libelium sensors to support farming across the UK. Seguir leyendo.

Control de las condiciones meteorológicas para evitar plagas en las aceitunas

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TeamDev developes software and methodologies in precision farming sector for decision support in agricultural management. The objective of this project is to monitor weather conditions to control fruit fly pest in olives groves using our Waspmote Plug & Sense! Smart Agriculture and collecting data to create a model which can predict the diffusion of flies.

Smart Strawberries Crop Increases the Quality and Reduces the Time from Farm to Market

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Famosa, combine a wide expertise in sensors and technologies used for monitoring parameters and a knowledge in environmental, physiological and productive standards related to fruit and vegetable quality. In this project, they have developed a web service portal in order to collect data from wireless systems, using our Waspmote Plug & Sense! Smart Agriculture, to check environmental parameters. The aim is to get that users take advantage of these data and optimize their strawberry crops, increasing the quality and reducing the time to market. Read more.

Sustainable Farming and the IoT: Cocoa Research Station in Indonesia

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Modern farming methods based on wireless sensor technology can boost productivity, create economies of scale, and help communities thrive. Singapore-based IoT solution provider BioMachines designed a wireless sensor network system integrating Waspmote Smart Agriculture sensors to measure environmental parameters in the cocoa fields of tropical Indonesia. Read more.

Agricultura de precisión: Predecir el estado de los viñedos y prevenir enfermedades

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Dolphin Engineering, una empresa emergente con sede en Lugano (Suiza), supervisa las condiciones de los viñedos para prevenir las enfermedades de las plantas mediante una red de sensores inalámbricos basada en la tecnología de Libelium. Waspmote sensor platform.
In Slovenia, Elmitel has developed a Cloud platform core, Elmitel Sensing, to create a Waspmote-based vineyard monitoring solution to cover all three parts of a sensor network: adquisición, almacenamiento y tratamiento de datos. Seguir leyendo.

Agricultura inteligente: Control de las condiciones de los invernaderos para desarrollar nuevos productos en la industria alimentaria

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Flores en la mesa es una empresa aragonesa que cultiva y vende productos frescos flores comestibles and crystallized flowers. These unusual products are based on plants that are carefully grown, free from chemicals, intended for human consumption. Crystallization is done by hand, slowly, to respect the anatomy of the flower and to preserve its shape and aroma. Seguir leyendo.