Water scarcity enforces humankind to find new ways of smart water management. 2.1 billion people do not have access to clean and safe drinking water at home, and there are huge inequalities between countries. Water demand is expected to increase by 1/3 by 2050, since climate change and population growth are the main challenges for water.
Libelium Smart WaterIoT Solution Quick Report
Libelium continues its series of reports with the Smart Water IoT Solution Quick Report. The document summarizes all the benefits, advantages and the most demanded features that stakeholders look for. This new report shows how the Internet of Things can help to improve water management issues such as consumption, water usage improvement and cost reduction.
Libelium recently launched the new model of IoT platform for Smart Water quality control: Waspmote Plug & Sense! Smart Water Xtreme. The enhanced device includes top market performance sensors from the most prestigious manufacturers for applications such as potable water monitoring, fish farm management, chemical leakage detection, remote measurement of swimming pools and spas, and contaminación del agua de mar.
Libelium Smart WaterIoT Solution Quick Report
This new product provides incredible accuracy, robustness and immunity to environment oscillations. Water quality parameters measured may include: dissolved oxygen, pH, ORP, conductivity, salinity, TDS (total dissolved solids), temperature, turbidity, suspended solids and sludge blanket, among others.
Check out all the Smart Water kits available in El mercado de la IO:
- Smart Water Quality
- Smart Fish Farming
- Smart Deep Water
- Smart Flood Prevention
Más información:
- Para más detalles técnicos sobre Waspmote Plug & Sense! Smart Water Xtreme: Waspmote Plug & Sense! Smart Water Xtreme Guía técnica.
- Aprende más sobre las líneas de producto de Libelium: Waspmote, ¡Waspmote Plug & Sense! Plataforma de sensores y Pasarela Meshlium .
- Libelium impulsa el mercado de la calidad del agua con su nueva plataforma de monitorización Smart Water Xtreme
- Sensores de agua inteligentes para controlar la calidad del agua en ríos, lagos y el mar
- Protección y conservación del hábitat de las belugas en Alaska con la plataforma de sensores flexibles de Libelium
- Control de la calidad del agua de las piscifactorías con sensores inteligentes en Irán
- Control de la calidad del agua de riego con IoT para mejorar la producción agrícola
- Access to drinking water around the world – in five infographics: theguardian.com
- The Water Crisis: water.org
- 2.1 billion people lack safe drinking water at home, more than twice as many lack safe sanitation: quién.int
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