As requested by many of our clients we are adding new Ion Sensor Probes for the Plug & Sense! Smart Water Ions and the Sensor board (OEM version). The new parameters added are:

These new sensor probes are named as “PRO” as they offer a better calibration cycle (they keep calibrated more days than the current probes). The underlying technology is not based on liquid chemicals but in solid membranes made of nanotubes of carbon so they simple last more time with the right calibration that the regular probes.

New Ion Sensor Probes

New Ion Sensor Probes “PRO” for Smart Water


So how are they named now?

The new Ion Sensor Probes “PRO” are composed of two independent parts: the head (the ion membrane) and the holder. So we just need to change the header when it is not working properly due to circumstances like the maximum lifetime is reached.

Let’s see a comparative between both Ion Sensor Probes “Current” VS “New [PRO]”:

Ion Current Probes New Probes [PRO]
Calcium [Ca2+] 0,4 to 4000 mg/L 0,4 to 4000 mg/L
Fluoride [F-] 0,1 to 1900 mg/L 0,1 to 1900 mg/L
Nitrate [NO3] 0,6 to 6200 mg/L 0,6 to 31000 mg/L
Bromide [Br] 0,4 to 8000 mg/L 0,4 to 8000 mg/L
Chloride [Cl] 1,5 to 3500 mg/L 1,5 to 35000 mg/L
Cupric [Cu2+] 0,06 to 3200 mg/L 0,06 to 3200 mg/L
Iodide [I] 0,1 to 12000 mg/L 0,1 to 12000 mg/L
Silver [Ag+] 0,1 to 10000 mg/L 0,1 to 10000 mg/L
Fluoroborate [H3OBF4] 0,35 to 12000 mg/L
Ammonium [NH4] 0,09 – 9000 mg/L
Lithium [Li+] 0,1 – 5000 mg/L
Magnesium [Mg2+] 2,4 – 2400 mg/L
Nitrite [NO2-] 2,5 – 1000 mg/L
Perchlorate [ClO4] 1 – 10000 mg/L
Potassium [K+] 0,4 – 3900 mg/L
Sodium [Na+] 0,1 – 3200 mg/L
pH 0 – 14 pH

More differences::


Each type of Sensor Probe has its own type of Reference Probe. This means we can not mix “Normal” with “PRO” Ion Probes.

Smart Water Ions Calibration Bottle

Smart Water Ions Calibration Bottle

New Calibration Solutions:

We are also adding a new “Multi-ion” calibration solution that allows to calibrate up to 7 different sensor probes. So now we can use just 3 bottles of solutions to calibrate 7 Sensor Probes (with the old ones we would have needed 21 bottles each with a different solution).

Ion Solution 1 (mg/L) Solution 2 (mg/L) Solution 3 (mg/L)
Calcium [Ca2+] 36 180 360
Chloride [Cl] 75 375 750
Potassium [K+] 39 195 390
Magnesium [Mg2+] 11 55 110
Sodium [Na+] 23 115 230
Ammonium [NH4] 4 20 40
Nitrate [NO3] 132 660 1320

And obviously we are also adding new unique ion calibration solutions for the other parameters that were not present before:

Ion Solution 1 (mg/L) Solution 2 (mg/L) Solution 3 (mg/L)
Lithium [Li+] 1 10 100
Nitrite [NO2-] 10 100 1000
Perchlorate [ClO4] 1 10 100

The rest of the ion calibration solutions are kept equal:

Ion Solution 1 (mg/L) Solution 2 (mg/L) Solution 3 (mg/L)
Fluoroborate [H3OBF4] 10 100 1000
Fluoride [F-] 10 100 1000
Cupric [Cu2+] 10 100 1000
Bromide [Br] 10 100 1000
Silver [Ag+] 10 100 1000
Iodide [I] 4 20 20


Specific applications include:


Smart Water Ions complements with Smart Water model which includes the next parameters:

If you are interested in purchase information, please contact our Sales Department.

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