SAN MATEO, Calif., ZARAGOZA, Spain—May 5, 2015—Libelium has released a new Smart Cities sensing platform, based on Waspmote Plug & Sense! sensor nodes, that integrates hardware and software design improvements developed in response to feedback from scores of Smart Cities projects over the last four years.

Increased urbanization is a market driver for the rapid growth of the global Smart Cities market, forecast by Frost & Sullivan to reach $1.56 trillion by 2020. Cities aim to give citizens a quality lifestyle in terms of economic growth, well being, and sustainability.

Libelium’s modular sensor solution enables cities to establish a platform to build future smart city applications and services, such as traffic management, environmental sensors, smart parking, water quality and conservation, noise pollution, and urban resilience.

Designed to meet sophisticated demands of municipalities, Libelium’s new Smart Cities sensing solution, based on Waspmote Plug & Sense!, reduces installation, integration, and maintenance costs, and offers flexibility and scalability for Smart City applications. The platform includes a new array of sensors for advanced Smart Cities deployments, is compliant with international standards for sensor accuracy and offers out of the box integration with existing Cloud solutions.

Libelium’s new Smart Cities sensing solution, Plug & Sense! Smart Environment PRO

Libelium’s new Smart Cities sensing solution, Plug & Sense! Smart Environment PRO

“City managers recognize they are in transition from digital cities to Smart Cities,” said Alicia Asin, Libelium co-founder and CEO. “Municipalities are far more educated now in terms of technology and infrastructure investment, and they prefer accurate readings over more nodes. They need information they can use across departments to amortize expensive equipment purchases like sonometers. ”

New Gases PRO Sensor Board for Waspmote OEM

New Gases PRO Sensor Board for Waspmote OEM

With Libelium Waspmote and Plug & Sense! sensors, municipalities can combine solutions from a variety of technology partners, including Cloud providers, data management solutions, network operators, or application developers.

New Smart Cities Precision Platform

Key Features Why it Matters
New particle matter – dust sensor (PM1 / PM2.5 / PM10) detects different types of particulate matter by size. New pollen sensor measurements range from 10 to 40um. For ambient monitoring more accuracy in monitoring gas concentration levels and the amount of PM2.5 and PM10 dust particles allows cities and government agencies to meet international Air Quality Index (AQI) compliance values, and better advise the public of air quality and health risk.
Calibrated gas sensors for Smart Cities sensing devices include CO, CO2 NO2 O2, O3, SO2, etc.; They are delivered calibrated from the factory. With calibration, the new gas sensors are fine-tuned to provide the exact value of gas concentration in ppm, instead of a less accurate range of values. Older versions of these gas sensors are much less sensitive.
Noise sensors for Smart Cities allow continuous reading in the 40-100dB range. Noise pollution from air and road traffic, industry, and construction is a prime factor that affects and harms citizens. Monitoring environmental sound levels in cities and urban environments is an important issue.
Light sensors for Smart Cities feature light intensity levels measured in luxes, for high accuracy in control and automation. Smart Lighting applications allow municipalities to save money and energy by dimming lights during low traffic hours, and to enhance security by lighting dark areas when people are present.
Waspmote Smart Cities sensor platform is ready for use in any Smart Cities application with sensors for gas, noise, light, temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure. Waspmote Plug & Sense can integrate up to 6 sensors per node, maximizing network infrastructure and reducing installation costs.
Sensor probes and SIM cards can be added or replaced without uninstalling. This is critical for maintenance operations. All gas sensors expire eventually, and taking the node back to the factory for replacement is not viable. Plug & Sense! sensor probes can be replaced as easily as changing a light bulb.

The two key features of this new Smart Cities sensing solution are the inclusion of the Calibrated Gases PRO Sensor Board (with a wider range of gas sensors available and highly increased accuracy) and the particulate matter sensor—commonly known as dust sensor (it allows the measurement of PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 particles).

Smart Environment PRO with new particle matter - dust sensor (PM1 / PM2.5 / PM10)

Smart Environment PRO with new particle matter – dust sensor (PM1 / PM2.5 / PM10)

For more Technical information go to Waspmote and Plug & Sense! website, and to the Gases PRO Technical Guide .

For more information about Smart Cities Sensor Platform contact the Libelium Commercial Department.